Even before I found out I was pregnant I knew I wanted to shop as responsible as possible during pregnancy, especially when it came my wardrobe. I have been limiting and sifting through my closet for years, making it smaller and smaller and yet keeping it filled with pieces I admire, love to wear over and over, and are inspired by.
When I found out I was pregnant I was excited to see what my wardrobe would consist of, how it would change and what pieces and outfits I could wear throughout the 9 months. And to my surprise, it’s been even easier than I expected to have a small wardrobe!
I wanted to pass along a few bits of wisdom I’ve acquired. I’m currently 34 weeks pregnant and have only purchased 7 articles of clothing, most of which were bought in my first trimester when I wasn’t showing yet, so I knew I could wear some of them even after the baby weight was gone!

Here are 4 ways you can have an ethical wardrobe throughout your entire 9 months:
01. Wear Your Regular Clothes for as Long as Possible
- Especially with your first baby, you won’t start showing until the end of your first trimester, if not into your second. I still wore my regular-sized jeans, leggings, athletic clothes, dresses, swimsuits, and all my other clothes well-into my second trimester.
- If it isn’t your first baby, you tend to grow and show a lot earlier, so you’ll have to begin transitioning your wardrobe a lot sooner. But hopefully you saved most of your maternity clothes from previous pregnancies!
02. Shop Secondhand
- Most of the new articles of clothing, 4 out of the 7, I purchased were from secondhand stores. I found a great pair of jean for under $20 and a handful of sweaters for under $2 each! You don’t need to spend lots of money or completely transition your wardrobe – be creative!
- I also got a few things from friends who were giving away some of their old clothes – whether they were maternity or not, I still took them! I added a dress and two shirts from one friend and my mom gave me a shirt from her closet as well. All of the articles of clothing I received will fit during pregnancy and afterward – it was a win-win!
03. Only Buy What You Need
- Remember that being pregnant is just a season. It’s literally 9 months out of your life, so don’t stress about creating an entire new wardrobe – you don’t have to! Take it one day at a time, one month at a time, one trimester at a time!
- I tried to focus more on being healthy than what I was wearing. I put more focus into still exercising, eating healthy and sleeping enough than I ever did to the clothes in my closet. It saved me time, hustle and several dollars to dress more simply and shop more responsibly!
04. Buy From Ethical Stores
- Before getting pregnant I had a good list of stores I knew I would shop at once I did get pregnant because they are ethical, sourced-responsibly and support women from around the world through creating dignified jobs for them! Here are a few of those stores:
- Boob Design: All the comfy, athletic and useful clothes you’ll want while being pregnant! The sizes are relatable to the US and the prices are reasonable. I bought some athletic leggings and love them!
- Azura Bay: Ethically and sustainably made lingerie! And they have maternity bras. I’ve got my eye on some that I’m going to purchase soon!
- There are TONS more, check out an entire list of ethical companies I trust and love! But those are the ones I’ve purchased from while being pregnant and I’ve been very happy! Maybe I’ll add more and update my lists someday!
There you have it! My four tips on how to have an ethical wardrobe throughout your entire 9 months!