Annual Rhythm: Time Off Social Media

December 12, 2023

I recently logged out of Instagram…again. It’s become a steady rhythm in my life, a healthy one to say the least. Here were my lasting words, I hope they bring you encouragement.

It’s that time again…time to sign out, delete this app (Instagram) and celebrate Christmas and enter into the new year with my sweet family, screen-free and FULLY present 🕊️☁️

My word for 2023 is VIBRANT — I’ve never felt more like myself than I have this last year 👏🏼 all the glory is to God. I chose to say no to a lot of things in order to experience His yeses for my life. There is so much I could say regarding the work He did surrounding the word vibrant, my heart and mind, my entire life has been altered.

My word for 2024 is shalom — an all-encompassing peace that surpasses understanding, a wholeness that only exists in Him, a soundness that will never be found on this earth but only in eternity.

Starting this next year without distractions and other people influencing my thoughts just feels right, as it has the last few years. Entering into a new year without social media has been one of my best and most beneficial practices and annual rhythms.

Without going on a full-on rant, I simply cannot believe how fast and hurried this online world has become — reels needing to be less than 3-4 seconds because our attention span is decreasing and people spending hours trying to figure out the algorithms.

Don’t these things scare you?

There are people (who I follow) who talk about “slow living” or “intentional parenting” that are literally posting 3x a day — it’s going against their motto, their “brand” and seeming morals.

I stopped following a mom who talks about choosing slower days with her kid and was teaching on how to buy less and make Christmas “different” this year…but all she was doing was marketing her own download to BUY in order to experience a “slower Christmas” — that doesn’t even make sense!

I don’t think there will ever be a time for us not to use media or technology, and we’re the first generation of parents who are navigating the use of social media and online world while raising kids, so there’s grace in that and us trying to figure it out, but something has to change. So here’s what I’m changing: nothing 😆

I honestly think i have NAILED DOWN awesome rhythms and boundaries with my phone, technology and social media. A few years ago I began to take seriously the quiet, unhurried life Jesus lived and taught about when he walked this earth. And I’ve never been the same since. Here are my best rhythms (with my phone/technology):

  • dumbing down my phone
  • parenting my phone daily
  • weekly sabbaths off my phone
  • 1 week off socials each month
  • deleting social apps for 1+ months each year

And I’m not perfect with these, but when I don’t follow through with any one of these I feel the weight of not doing it, I honestly suffer because I chose not to do it. And although I have these rhythms, I still listen to and allow God’s Word to influence me and I respond to the Spirit’s nudges regarding how to live my days, I think that’s lacking in our day. So if I need to make further changes (with my phone), I will. Because pruning is necessary — I’m still being molded and I’m honored that our LORD isn’t finished with me yet.

The last time I signed out I was off for 6 months hahaha. So we’ll see when I choose to download the app again, but here’s what you can expect:

PODCAST: season 2 of the podcast will launch sometime in the new year, the first episode will be me and Alexander giving a life update.

PHOTOS: I am choosing to only post film photos whenever I get back on Instagram — a slower, more intentional way to document our life instead of quick snaps with my phone.

BLOG: consistent blog posts, which has always been a fun way to share about life, it feels slow and suuuuper creative for me.

YOUTUBE: I’ve been planning to start a YouTube channel, it’s totally different algorithms (same with podcasting), so less of the “highlight” reel/quick and short posts like other apps. It’ll give me more time to teach and do other things I’m good at instead of churning out “content”. So stay tuned, I’m pretty stoked!

From my heart to yours, linger in the mundane and seek the quiet life.

From our home to yours, we hope it smells yummy and is ready for hosting and anticipating Christ being born.

From our family to yours, merry Christmas and happy new year!