Fast Fashion vs. Responsible Fashion

April 24, 2018

Fast Fashion, by definition is: an approach to the design, creation, and marketing of clothing fashions that emphasizes making fashion trends quickly and cheaply available to consumers (Merriam-Webster).

Meaning, that most stores in our country sell cheap clothes at an alarming rate, and in turn, the people making the clothes in a different country are working long hours in horrible working conditions and not getting paid a fair wage.

Since learning about Fast Fashion, I’ve acquired new ways to shop, what I buy and where I buy it! Below are some easy ways to shop more responsibly:

    • Shop organic & local for groceries
    • Buy clothes only made in the US or from stores that are sustainable businesses
  • Recycling clothes by shopping at retail stores!

And here are some resources & organizations I trust & follow:

    • Fashion Revolution (
    • The True Cost documentary
  • Favorite shops: ABLE, Noonday, YoungLiving, Patagonia, ThreadUp

Follow me on Insta @halie_ramsey for more insight!