Well, that’s a wrap! Liliana had her last day of pre-k this week (currently sobbing!) and we couldn’t be more proud!
When she groggily walked into the kitchen that morning, I had waffles already started (her favorite) and while we were sitting down for breakfast, Alexander and I took turns encouraging Liliana and sharing our hearts with her – how proud we are and all the ways we’ve seen the LORD grow and mold her this past year. We could tell she was taking it all in as we gave her time to respond and also reflect on her year. Through the tears and my shaky voice, we held her hand walking into school on the last day!
But of course, we had a family photoshoot on the front porch before we left. She asked me to put pigtails in her hair, just like Bonnie from Toy Story, which she did on the first day of school too — and hence the Buzz Lightyear in some of the photos!

We truly couldn’t be more proud – like most parents are! Our creative, spunky, lively, vibrant, courageous, sweet Liliana is such a joy!