
February 1, 2018

Thanks for checking out my blog. I have been writing on my blog for years, but I never really had a focus or mission for why I was writing what I post. I don’t think that’s necessarily bad, but when you’re an artist and maturing in your skill, generally you will hone down on the things you’re best at, feel most certain with, and feel alive doing. And that’s why I decided to put a hold on sharing my writing for a while and made a plan to relaunch my blog.

I’ve always wanted to be a writer and in the last couple months I have made a point in trying to write everyday and for this blog I’ve made a plan to be more vulnerable and share more of my heart in my writing. It’s a scary process – sharing work you created – but exciting and I’m looking forward to sharing my created work with you all!

Over the past few years, a few things have caught my attention and I’ve taken time to learn more about them. An overarching theme of this blog will be living a wholehearted life. Meaning, I will talk about my faith, physical health, and relationships I have with this amazing world and the beautiful people in it.

I’m excited to continue learning and writing and growing; thanks for taking this journey with me!