My word for 2023 is vibrant – and our life, together as a sweet family of four, has truly felt vibrant. And not in the flashy, fast-paced, loud sort of way, but in an unshakable, happy and content sort of way.
If you know Alexander and I, you know we love to dream. Big dreams. For our family, home, businesses, adventures, travels, our future – everything. And those dreams are still there, they are simply refined. We already have the family, the for-now-dream home, thriving businesses, travel plans – we have plenty. As the Psalmist so wisely said, I lack nothing (Psalm 23) – I feel this to my core.

Approaching vibrant as a characteristic to embody, I quickly learned that diligence and discipline are highly needed. In order for me to feel vibrant waking up in the morning, I focus on my nightly routine – washing my face, having tea before bed instead of something sweet. If I want to be a mom full of vibrancy, sometimes napping is the best option and making sure I have “me time” is necessary. For my body – inner and outer – to look and function vibrantly resisting dessert, paying attention to my intake of water, drinking less alcohol, walking more and doing simple exercises, and eating nutrient-rich foods are important. For my soul to feel satisfied and to embody love, joy and peace, my relationship with God has to be a priority.
I want to be a woman who radiates vibrancy. As if it is highly contagious and something to catch. For others to embody and enjoy and flourish because of my soul’s natural outpour.

I began this year by doing research on the word vibrant. And I was astounded by my findings. Here’s what I wrote down in my journal.
- Vibrant: full of energy and enthusiasm, bright and striking, shuddering or trembling; resonating (like a strong voice)
- Latin roots: vibrare – shaking to and fro – in the 17th century.
- Root of vibrate: a force; cause to move continually; to quiver with emotion; resonate – continue to be heard; pendulum swinging
- Give out light or sound as if by vibration (late middle english).
We’re almost halfway done with 2023 and I feel like I’ve already learned so much about leading a vibrant life. I’m excited for what is left to come.
If you know me, I’m naturally an internal processor. It takes me a while to verbalize or write out the thoughts that are constantly swirling in my brain. So that’s all I have for now on what I’ve been learning. There’s more to share, but a few verses I keep going back to are:
Psalm 1:3 [The godly person] is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.
A tree is meant to provide shade, be a place for birds to have refuge and a home, and trees help to naturally clean the air. A tree’s purpose is other-centered, similarly I have a deep belief that if I am to prosper it is for others to prosper and flourish.
Philippians 4:8-9 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
I’m reminded that my thoughts dictate how I approach life and people. And if I want my thoughts to inspire the worship of God and service of others, I need to think of lovely, pure and noble things.