Hi friends, welcome back to the With Passion Podcast! And welcome to the last episode of the first season. Can you believe it! 8 episodes in, 1 season down. It went so quickly and was honestly so much fun! I have some interesting analytics to share with you at the end, so stay tuned!
Now I honestly should have had my husband on this episode with me because I’m going to be talking a lot about how we manage screens and social media in our home. Go back to episode 4 to hear from him, I’m sure I’ll have him on again, but for now, let’s dive in!
I am about to share an unpopular opinion, are you ready? In the Ramsey household, we do not allot time in our days or weeks for “screen time”
This episode is not a rant and I’m not 100% against screens, so if you’re a “screen time” mom or family, stick with me, there’s no shaming here. All of what I have to share are real statistics, real testimonies, my own experience and knowledge gained on this topic, and a little insight into how we live our days with little screen interaction and minimal use of social media.
What we, my husband and I, have always believed and now have experienced with our kids is this – kids will find something else to do if they don’t have a screen. Kids are WILDLY creative, we were all born for adventure and beauty and intimacy – choosing to live with little-to-no screens has helped us develop healthier relationships with one another as a family.
I love the phrase: if your kids are bouncing off the walls, remove the walls. I think as a culture we tend to think that if our kids are going wild we need to settle them down with a movie or try our best to wrangle them and control and create a sense of quietness or what we think is peace. But that’s not how we’re wired, especially our boys (and husbands for that matter)!
I hope you continue listening to the podcast episode, I dive into a bunch of stats from my own research and from my audience on instagram.
To end the last episode of the season I thought it would be fun to share a few numbers and analytics with you:
- within just 6 episodes this podcast had over 1,000 plays
- The episode I did with my husband, episode number 4, had the most plays
- It’s received all 5 star reviews with some of the sweetest words that you guys wrote on those reviews
- And lastly, listeners have equated to 45 hours of listening to this podcast
Now I started this podcast with almost no understanding of how podcasts work, I have relied on my husband for a lot of it, I don’t often wing things but this was something I honestly just did without much planning or knowledge on algorithms and such, I didn’t set any goals for it either, I haven’t even broadcasted or shared about this podcast besides a little in instagram stories. So I wanted to end this episode and season by saying thank you! I have never been so encouraged by something I’ve produced or put out into the world. I don’t know a lot about other people’s podcasts and their numbers, but I’m blown away by the fruit of this. So thank you for sharing and commenting and texting me every week when a new episode releases. I appreciate it and have felt so loved.
So friends, thanks for tuning in each week! I will see you next season, until then let’s keep in touch if we aren’t already connected. Have a great thanksgiving and Christmas, we’ll see you in the new year!