In my experience there are two kids of people: those who lean more into Springtime and those who lean more into Fall. I’m in the latter group. I lean heavily into everything Fall creates.
Autumn is the best season. It brings newness and routine, rhythms and cooler weather. The crisp air and yummy smells, apple crisps and pumpkin spiced lattes. And don’t even mention farmers markets and pumpkin decor, cozy sweaters and cute booties that are on the horizon. I am too pumped and feel so ready for this season.
I feel an extra sense of sweetness and slowness this year because last year was wild as we were preparing for our boy to arrive. That season felt tiring and rhythms were lacking. So this year I’m entering into the Fall with a clear mind and settled heart. I feel a sense of peace and slowness, and it feels oh so good.
As the days become shorter I wanted to share a few things I’m doing/we’re doing as a family to welcome Autumn.

Morning Rhythms & Rituals. I start my mornings off the same. As my alarm goes off at 5:15 I wiggle my toes and slowly begin waking up my body and mind. I head downstairs and begin to boil water for my small mug of lemon water and mug of coffee. Doing the same thing every morning may seem monotonous to some, but it adds a sense of health and direction to my day.

Heartier Meals. The Ramsey fam loves all the soups and stews we can make with fall vegetables. Our go-to lately is to add sliced carrots, celery, chopped potatoes, onions and sausage into a crock pot, turn on medium for 3ish hours, ready to serve and makes for easy leftovers.

Lighter Workouts. Lately I’ve been focusing on stretching and simple yoga practices. It helps to slow my mind and yet I know I’m still getting a good workout in.
Choosing My Focus. For the first time in years our home has a slight routine and I’m loving it. Because Liliana is in school two mornings each week, I have some wiggle room to get a few more things done or simply rest, depending on the day. My focus for our home this fall is simplicity and coziness. Simple meals, simple decor, simple schedules and amping the cozy with diffuser blends and new kitchen towels. For my business, my focus is also simplicity. I’m teaching you and others how to simplify using oils so oils don’t seem like another thing added to your already full plate. And how to make the best use of your time and money as you add healthy option to your home.

Decluttering. I’m a huge “fall cleaner” and decluttering becomes my top love language. I’ve sifted through our closets, clothes, pantry, and even our calendar. The less we have in our home and on our schedule this fall, the better!
Seasonal Decor. Decorating for fall is the sweetest, wouldn’t you agree? The wildflowers and pumpkins, new hand towels and even my homemade pumpkin spiced latte syrup have all made the cut this year.

How are you feeling entering into this season? I would love to know all the ways you’re welcoming autumn into your own home and family this year.